♥ God magnificent creation. . .

I came across a photo uploaded by an acquaintance of mine on Facebook and I couldn't help it but falling in love with it. By just a glimpse of the photo, you'll be truly amazed by how magnificent God's creation is. See it to believe it. ;)

This is an underwater river in Mexico! Can you believe this???!! How surreal was it.. BBC slotted this into one of Planet Earth's series.

These amazing pictures were taken in the cave of Cenote Angelita, Mexico. Here’s the photographer description about the surrounding: “We are 30 meters deep, fresh water, then 60 meters deep – salty water and under me I see a river, island and fallen leaves… Actually, the river, which you can see, is a layer of hydrogen sulphide.”

This will definitely be an unforgettable experience once you’re there and see it with your own eyes. If you're a professional diver, you should visit Cenote Angelita Mexico. :) I wish I could...s.o.m.e.d.a.y...

**Credits to : Fortuna and Dr. SeussJuice**
**Photo credits to : Anatoly Beloshchin**

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